Hello handsome guy!!! I love the facial expressions he gives....daddy says he reminds him of me!!! He was watching his sister playing on the deck!
Sure glad we started her in dance!!!
How can you resist those smokies!!!
She is our deck kitty now, and she thinks shes a hunter. Even though the birds look at her and keep eating without a care in the world. I don't think they sense much danger!
There it is again!!!
Some beautiful kids!!!
What a funny girl, she wanted me to get some pictures of her animals. When your the mother of Maddy, your camera will have many snap shots of animals.
Now that's a big water bowl.
On another note.....Maddy having breakfast on her first day back to school!
Fist day back to school, I was a nervous wreck all over again.
Time to cool down with some sprinkler fun!
You will notice a lot of funny faces while jumping through the sprinkler! They are all real....she was being brave. She does not do water in the face well!
It was so warm out that day daddy, with a little help from Maddy and myself decided to take Brhody through the sprinkler!
As you can see, not fazed at all and happy as a clown!!!
I love the shot of Maddy on one foot and that last shot of Jake and Brhody at the end is so sweet!