Off she goes with a little helping push from Daddy!
Oops....almost a crash right off the bat....Daddy was there to save the day!
Her pedals are a little tricky with the break working when you pedal backwards. Dad is right there to lend a hand.
I just love the look on both of their faces....LOL
What a proud face she has! So happy to be moving again!
Off she goes, pedaling all on her own and doing it well.
Uh oh......How do those breaks work again??? The curb works too!
Angle on a bike......I still can't get over how good she did!
Now that I have shown you all the good moments, here are a few funny moments and almost scary moments. She doesn't like to turn around while she's on the bike, so daddy told her to get off and turn it then. Here she is picking the bike up just to move it over a few feet...LOL
She is finally happy with the placement of her bike.
This was a moment that makes a mothers heart skip a beat....check out the lean on that bike.....wait for it........
and there it is.....the first crash of the day.
Lost a boot....this is what upset her the most!
Daddy to the rescue again....check out the faces she's so sad.
We thought for sure that would be the end of bike riding for the day, but she got right back on and with a little help from daddy, she was off again! So proud of her for not giving up!!!
This would be her second crash of the day, not as bad as the first boots lost! She didn't even need any help that time. She told daddy that she was good and she could do it all by herself. She then told us that she was a speed racer on her bike...LOL It was hard convincing her that it was time to go when it started to sprinkle. Hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows wasn't even working...LOL All in all we are very proud parents. She can't wait to go again!