me " Okay, what are we doing"?
Jake " You will see". He leads me out to the ditch in front of our house. He then realizes that what he wanting to show me is gone. Jake " The nest is empty".
me " Omgosh, they are laying down there". 3 baby birds were moved out of the nest and the momma was going crazy up in the tree above us. It looked to us that they were left for dead, they were freezing cold and barley breathing. Knowing that the momma probably wouldn't come back if we touched them, we put them back in the nest anyways. I guess we were just hoping and praying that she would come back. After waiting about 6 min. back in the house, I couldn't stand it any more. I had to go out and see if she was there. No, but the babies were and they were still breathing, so Jake ran and grabbed a shovel and dug up the nest. It now sits on the work bench in the garage. I grabbed my scrap booking lamp and started heating them babies up. Within a few min. with heat on them, they started to stir a little. We left them alone for about a half hour to research on line how to take care of these babies. We found a Utube video on how to feed baby birds and what to feed them........CAT FOOD....what??? Okay so I used my awesome garage sale rolling pin find from last summer to turn dry cat food into powder. All I had to do was add water and make a apple sauce like mixture. This was last night before they ate.